Saturday, June 9, 2007


gREat trIp it waS!!! hahahaha~~~ learn lots of things, eperience lots of thing.. a worthwhile triP
SeEn aboVE thE sKy ~ cloUds~~~ floAtinG~~ some of u never see above the clouds~~here R some foTos~ hopE iF caN help iN ur painTinG~~

fiRsT dAy
we went for SHoppINGS!!!!!
aT thE arT gallerY

paintinGz doNE bY doNE deFt aND muTE stuDEnts ... buT iS toTAlly miRiCAle paintINGz

thEn wE weNT tO thE wAr muesUM~~ its amazing.. our Sg onE gOT aircon lah, got shelter lah.. their's is totally outdoor de~~ AntS n InseCTs hoME~~ouCh!

moRE~~ thAN tAt~~

we vistiEd thE markEtZ.. but got no fotos... niCe plaCe it is cheap cheap thinGZ too~~

buT somE some thEm likE to Con cusTOmers~~ haiZ~~ im onE of thE victiM~~ ^^

nExt dAy

CIP daY ,

the HiGh scHooL~~

their high sch(mostly the same age as us) books are very simple leh~~~hahahaha

we were given the chance to have lessons with them~~~

one ThE waY to ORphanGE hOme~~ we BOught somE garINZ 4 Them~~

then WE havE ouR lunCh~~

TheN towArdS thE orphAnge home~~

the kid inside r soo poor things, really pity them alot~~~

the CEO~~~

3RD daY~~ anGkOk waT toUR~~~

poor elephantZ~~

tis Is the market im been toking about...

i caught some nice scenery~~

the entrance through the Ankor waT history~~

the carve of the smiling faces~~

they actually try out on the grund at first, if the could drill tito tis kind of rockz~

the Bayon temple in the ankor wat city~

some wonderful cravings~
pluZ~ each craving have different short stories eh!!

tis one is really intersting~~ the man is angry with the woman who is caring a turtle because the turtle bite his backside~ hahahaha~~ intersing eh?? but muz respect wor~~

the bayon temple

i like tis carving best~
is like they never miss out a single detail of it..

totally idenical tooooo

we went inside, behind, the around, aiya! simple to say is almost walk through the whole bayon temple.... but there are some places being forbidden to get in~~

our "model" teacher~~ hahaha Mr tan~~ he love cool poses best himself~~

below 5 of the pictures(counting from here--->) are actually at the entrance of the Ankor wat city~~

starting from here is back to the beyon temple~~ sorry~~ mis displacements of the fotos~~

steep sia~~ scary~~

i could only take this picture on top of a stone(in a nearby small shelter) that we have to step on to be able to take this and e 2nd one~~ four sided~~

deep eh??? hahaha~~ take from below~~~ i fly in actually.. hahahahaha

behind the temple

this are the rocks they use~~ without nails, nor any equiments we r using to build things nowdays to builds the temples in ankor wat city~~

can u see a man carving?

the back of bayon temple~~

with miss kor ~~hehehe~

another side out of the temple...
couples? nah~~ friends... both got own lovers le, but not with them only~~hahahahahaha

places like tis(on top) r forbidden to go in, or should i put in this way, they have yet to complete this bulidings~~ hehehe ^^

our model teacher(skinny sia)~~ hahaha (jokes here~~)

my new great friend~Ali~~

QI~~~~ and Mr tan~~

what and who they messaging to??? hmm (?_?)

wow! QIqi so daRing wor~~ baSh a teachEr~~

our shining cheer magician~ GabriEl~

suai ma? hahahaha~~

cool eh??


we Are comING!!!!!

our group foto~~ hehehe u cant see me~~ lalalalala~~~

suai n cool ma? nah~~ show off nia~~~ hahahaha

jokes here la~~

our two handsome guy ~~oh ya!!! they r the only guys in our group ~~ sooooo poor things~~haiZ~~~

hahaha like taking a boat?? nah~~ we walk throug a man-made bridge~ but toally stones tat were use to build temples~~

some other intersting carving found!!

FINALLY!!! reach Ankor wat temPLE!!!!

there were actually 9 towers Actually!!! From what you seen is two only, but from what you know from the internet history is 5~~beacuse of the lighting that struck once , 4 other buildings collapsed, pluz inside of the temple which some places oso collapesed, they took 10 years to rebuild them~~~~

they said this(below) r in 7 because the buddist believe that is the lucky number and the hindus like odd numbers

some craving histories~~

cute eh? thought will be some kids done that~~ a perfect 1 actually~~~

another inside of the temple~~ they call it the second level

up there is the 3rd level.. sorry, picture on side ways.. hehe , juz tilt your head to your right~~

nice scenery on top of the 3rd~~ very perfect actually!!!

taken from middle of the 3rd level~~

last place~~ tthe hill for our sunset!!!!

but~~~ sobsob~~ we miss it... they close the top le, we mizz the time~~~

BUT!!!! we caught some of the sunset scenery when we in bus!!! my one not really hav it all~~ but my frend do hav!! got chance i put it up!!

thatS allz For thE camBodia Trip!!!

remeber!! What we have now, never take for granted.

as now i not only cambodia, lots of kids in other countries do not hav the chance to study as we do~~~

so be happy fpr what we have noe and never be over greedy at things you hav now~~